Brass Billygoats

Thursday, June 16, 2005

What day is it again?

I spend a great deal of my time totally disoriented as to what the day of the week is. If it weren't for my cell phone with it's handy day and date display I'd be hopelessly lost. All it takes is for me to take a nap (one of the joys of summer) or lose myself in a book and I lose all sense of time. At 1:30 this afternoon the mailman delivered two new hardbacks I ordered and had been less than patiently waiting for. I finished the first around 5 and realized I hadn't had food since 8 this morning. After cooking dinner, I started reading the second book and finished it about 9:00. What happened this morning? This morning..... that seems like days ago. No wonder I can't ever stay mad at anyone. A nap or a good book and I've forgotten what I was mad about to begin with.


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